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Alexandra Sabathé 

Director of photography

Graduated from La Fémis in the Cinematography department, Alexandra Sabathé is a director of photography based in Paris. Her filmography reflects her commitment to auteur films. She has worked on over thirty fiction short films, many of which have been selected and awarded at various festivals. She also collaborates with artists whose work lies at the intersection of cinema, contemporary art, and research. She is drawn to narratives that seek to escape naturalism and lean toward poetry and evocation. Among others, she has worked with Isabelle Prim, Laura Huertas Millan, Assia Piqueras, and Ana Vaz.
Additionally, she has contributed to numerous documentaries produced for television or screened at festivals, such as "Convention citoyenne - Démocratie en construction" by Naruna Kaplan de Macedo, produced by Les films d’ICI and Arte France. She thrives on direct encounters and immersive experiences with reality, resulting in powerful and intimate connections with the people, animals, or places she films. Her passion for nature has also led her to acquire expertise in wildlife documentaries, as seen in "Les Saisons" by Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud.
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